Motorcycle Lessons

Private Lessons
This motorcycle lesson is taught in a controlled, "no pressure" environment. It is a practical course with a focus on developing skills. The school starts out by teaching the fundamentals of straight-line riding with proper form, getting on the motorcycle, learning how to operate the controls, and properly fitting safety equipment.
We are patient and provide as much one-on-one coaching as possible. As your skill level increases, new lessons are introduced to help you understand what it takes to handle turns, sharp turns, and figure eights while coordinating the friction zone and throttle and learning how to apply both breaks in everyday riding.
While you are riding the motorcycle, your instructor will be right next to you, and they will be watching your every move. While your instructor is coaching you, they will ensure that you are assessed and that any mistakes you make are corrected. We will be cheering you on throughout all practices and exercises.

DMV Prep
We will prepare you for your road test after you have completed your private motorcycle lesson or lessons, depending on your skill level. The DMV road test includes four hours of instruction in which you will learn the proper techniques for passing your road test. We will discuss the significance of all the safety requirements imposed by the state, including all traffic signs, crosswalks, lane positions, traffic lights, all turning, figure eights, body positions, speed control, and how to approach intersections and maneuvers.
Road Test
All road test dates are set by us. We will meet you at the location on the day of your road test and provide all equipment such as motorcycles, helmets, safety gear, and your instructor.

Real-Time Riding
This is a one-of-a-kind experience provided by LTR in which the instructor and student ride side by side wearing blue tooth devices in their helmets for communication as well as bright yellow safety vests with the words "STUDENT RIDER" written on the back. This is one of our most effective learning tools. This is to train the student to ride on the streets in and out of traffic while dealing with all other vehicles. While riding in the streets, the student will learn all of the road's safety and regulations in order to better assist new motorcyclists in adapting to the streets and riding safely and efficiently.
Advanced Riding
We teach you corning, high speed, controlling, throttle control, steering, vision, braking, traction, and Real Solutions for everyday riding. and a lot more